Tuesday, July 12, 2011


This heat makes people stupid.

Almost got run over (again) on the way home today. The driver — who was looking my way when I began crossing in front of him — actually pushed me with his fender, not realizing I was there until I banged on the hood of his car.

He threw his hands up to his mouth in horror, apologized repeatedly, said it was his fault but never once asked if I was okay. To make matters worse, he kept calling me ma'am.

I gave him the standard dirty look and started to walk away and then decided that I wasn't going to let him off that easy. I walked back in front of his car and yelled at him: "WTF WERE YOU LOOKING AT?" All he did was repeat his apologies.

So, I did the only thing I could. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of his license plate to freak him out.

If I was insane, I probably would have followed him into the parking lot he drove to and keyed his car, slashed his tires and thrown all sorts of garbage at it. I didn't. Instead, I prayed. Prayed that the dozen plus pigeons in that lot showered his car with as much attention as I did.

More, actually.

And, yes, I had a triple chocolate ice cream to console myself. You didn't expect anything less, did you?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

world naked bike ride vs. the stanley cup

The world naked bike ride was last Saturday. What an eyeful. Game 7 of the Stanley Cup is... now. Both get your blood pumping.

I was in a pizza shop, devouring a Sicilian and slurping on a Limonata when I saw the herd nearing. All were nude save for their helmets -- safety first, after all!

And to think I actually rushed to the window with phone in hand to get a shot. Why? Novelty, I suppose. These are things one can't anticipate on any given weekend: ogling a nude cycle gang while noshing on a slice.

Today, it's 25 degrees, the sun doesn't set until 9pm and Mr. Man and I are indoors planted in front of the television, eating chilli, tortilla chips and sausages. This makes sense in his world because such testosterone-driven activities (ie. playoff hockey) demand eating testosterone-friendly foods. Let's go with that. It means I don't have to cook. It also means it's going to get extra heated in here tonight.

First period is more than half over. Screaming at a minimum so far. Only two more hours to go. Will surely need more fuel...

Friday, May 13, 2011

good day sunshine

Spring is sprung, the grass is ris... and here is where the flowers is:

along with one solitary bee going about its business.

It's days like this that make me want to take the bike out in search of beautiful blooms under which I can enjoy a private little picnic, fill my head with music and catch up on some reading -- all at my own indulgent pace.

Sometimes, it's good to be alone. Even under sunny skies.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011


Makes the heart grow fungus... or something like that.

So, it's been awhile. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Valentine's Day and an early St. Patrick's Day, too. Might as well throw in some cautionary advice: beware the Ides of March. Early, I know, but why not?

Still feeling lazy and uninspired to do anything, including writing that I feel lazy and uninspired to do anything these days.

Since the beginning of the year I have started going to a weekly good-for-the-soul dinner date with my dearest friend, in an effort to keep us on track for the year. We eat, we drink, we talk and plan. We offer support and don't judge. Very good for the soul.

This year we're gonna take it easy. Or as they say in Greece, siga siga.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

and miles to go

Two days until Christmas, the skies are clear and the temp is hovering around -4C. Doesn't make it feel very... Christmassy.

I'm not wishing for a metre of snow or -40C wind chills. I'd just like to see a little snow. Just a little. A nice light dusting. Something. Anything.

I plan to have the fireplace going, giant cups of chai and later wine, a big juicy turkey roasting in the oven and lots of belly-padding sides ready to go. Some chocolates to indulge and maybe some old Christmas specials playing in the background, too.

Just need a little snow to help bring the merry...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

baby, it's cold outside

Second consecutive day that I've awoken to a dusting of snow outside.

It's cold. I want a giant cup of chai.

End of story

Friday, November 26, 2010

lazy and carefree

I don't feel like making an effort these days. Not for many things and especially not for cooking.

I want things quick and easy. Short and simple. Short and sweet?

So why, when I do my regular grocery shopping every weekend, do I buy foods that require energy? Cleaning, chopping, seasoning, cooking and then cleaning the aftermath. Isn't that what takeout, pizza, canned chili and french fries are for? Oof, I can already feel my stomach percolating from just rambling off that list. Right. That's why.

Well, I've given in to the laziness as it's prompted me to start doing things like visiting the parental units in search of leftover chicken and then grabbing a bag of frozen sweet potato fries from the market to go with it -- the kind of behaviour I used to tsk tsk.

But I don't much care right now. It's cold and I want to bury myself in a bed full of pillows with a giant cup of chai within arm's reach. And if I can't do that, then the food I must eat needs to be done, done, done or take no more thought than turning a dial and walking away.

And, yes, I know that means a rapidly expanding waistline. Like I said. I don't care.

Monday, November 15, 2010

run down

If Mondays didn't already give me a reason to hate them, it's gone an added another. On my way home today, I almost got run over.

Don't know what, exactly, was wrong with me but I calmly knocked on the driver's window, told him he had to look both ways, then walked away.

That's it. No screaming, no obscene hand gestures, no knocking all over the car with my rings -- yes, I have done that a few times before.

When I finally arrived home, I rewarded myself with an ice cream.

So there, Monday. I win. I'm still sweet.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


There aren't many kiddies that come around the neighbourhood on Halloween, and only a handful of houses are draped in cobwebs, ghouls and pumpkins.

Tonight, there were no knocks on the door...

But I'd already decided to change it up a little this year, anyway. Instead of handing out candy to the kiddies, I thought it might be a good idea for them to bring me treats. Dark chocolate and/or red wine.

I left marked boxes by the door and thanked them in advance.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

pho sho

You know the food is good when you're willing to make a public transit trek that requires at least three transfers.

Went for pho today at a little place in the west end that's loved by the locals and even local celebrity chefs. I was hungry well before arrival, but probably worked up a bigger appetite wandering around the neighbourhood trying to kill time before meeting my behind-schedule lunch buddies.

I ducked in an out of furniture shops looking at beautiful Scandinavian pieces, designer accessories and some vintage items but, really, my mind was elsewhere.

Pho on the brain. There are worse things, sure. I just don't know what they are...